Help Center Manage Your Account Ad Targeting using Restrictions

Maximum/Target Quotas

You can set an upper limit for impressions, clicks, conversions, or revenue for an ad, group, or zone. When it reaches this limit, the ad will not be served. Available time periods include Hourly, Daily, Monthly, and Total. For your convenience, you can use the restriction wizard to quickly setup common restrictions for a new ad.


  • Ad A has a limit of 200,000 gross impressions in total
  • Ad B has a limit of 50,000 gross impressions per month
  • Ad C has a limit of 5,000 gross impressions per day
  • Ad D has a limit of 1000 gross clicks in total
  • Ad E has a limit of 100 unique clicks per month

Auto Priority

If this ad has Auto weight enabled, our system will try to deliver up to the target quotas by adjusting its priority automatically.
Daily Quota/Target - Auto Mode
If you want to spread a monthly/total quota evenly every day, you can enable Auto mode for the daily value. This means you do not have to calculate the changing daily value. Our ad server will compute this daily quota using the number of impressions and days left for ad delivery.
Hourly Quota/Target - Auto Mode
If you want to spread a daily quota evenly every hour, you can enable Auto mode for hourly value. This option allows you to avoid setting a fixed hourly value. Our ad server will use the number of impressions and hours left for the day to calculate an appropriate hourly quota.

Other Articles in Ad Targeting using Restrictions

Learn about ad targeting and restrictions ad serving such as frequency capping, geo-targeting, quota, roadblock, flight date, etc.

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