Help Center Manage Your Account Ad Targeting using Restrictions
Learn about ad targeting and restrictions ad serving such as frequency capping, geo-targeting, quota, roadblock, flight date, etc.
- Ad Budget and Ad Rates
- Audience Session Targeting
- Companion & Competitive Positioning
- Dayparting
- Frequency Capping
- Geolocation API
- Maximum/Target Quotas
- Proactive Targeting and Passive Restriction
- Restriction Status Notification
- Restrictions for an ad, zone, campaign or group
- Schedule Settings for Restriction
- Share of Voice - Share of Impression
- Start/End Date
- Target ads by placement URL or referring URL
- Target ads by visitor city, group of cities or within a radius
- Target ads by visitor country
- Target ads by visitor language
- Target Keywords
- Time Capping
- Visitor IP Address
- Wizard for setting up restrictions
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