Help Center Account Administration Account Settings
How can I change my timezone?
The default timezone is U.S. Eastern Time. You can change the timezone displayed as time labels in reports and the timezone used for ad serving restrictions. To change your timezone, follow the menu My Account/ Your Profile, click on the Settings tab, where you can change the timezone and other settings within your account.Other Articles in Account Settings
Instructions to customize the ad server to your preference.
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- Dayparting
"Day-parting (also week-parting) is useful to break down a day or a week into multiple segments for advertising purposes. It ..."
- How do I compare between total and breakdown reports?
"The numbers in a breakdown report can be different from the numbers under the Total tab for several reasons: Breakdown ..."
- How do I change the window title of my pop-up/pop-under ads?
"The ALT text is also used as the title for the pop-up. To change ALT text: Sign into your account, ..."
- How can I manage payments between publishers and advertisers?
"Publisher or ad network can manually create and send invoices to advertisers. When the advertiser places an advertising order using ..."
- How do I change the reporting period?
"These are the steps to generate reports for ads, zones, groups, and advertisers. Basics, CTR, Conversion, and Revenue Reports Follow ..."