Help Center Manage Your Account Banner, Richmedia, and Text Ads
Ad Types
We supports all popular ad types including regular image banners, Flash ads, rich media ads, 3rd party ad tags, text-links. There are some of the ad types in our system:1. Normal/External Ads
Normal/External ads are image files such as GIF (animated and non-animated), JPEG, PNG, BMP and SWF Flash files. They are hosted on external web servers. There are 2 required elements for this ad type: Image/Media URL and Destination/Click URL. The first URL points to the media file on your webserver and the second URL redirects to the specified web address (or send an email, or you can make this ad not clickable) when visitors click on the ad.2. Fast Delivery Ads
Similar to the above type but Fast Delivery ads are uploaded directly to our file servers instead of hosting on your web server. This saves your bandwidth and takes advantage of our global network of ad servers.3. Rich-Media Ads
Rich-Media ads can serve advanced features through HTML code. This type of ad can have images, text, forms, complex tables. Additionally, HTML ad can serve ads from third-party ad servers, or ads from ad networks (DoubleClick, Atlas, Google AdSense, Commission Junction, LinkShare, etc.)4. Text-Link Ads
The system can serve and track text links. Text links have the first line as a hyperlink and additional lines as ad descriptions.5. Video Ads
Video ads can be served with any VAST (Video Ad Serving Template) compliant video player. Learn moreOther Articles in Banner, Richmedia, and Text Ads
Information about different ad formats, dimension, sizes, and specifications.
- Ad Dimension
- Ad Specifications
- Ad Weight
- Alternative Image/Media URL
- Click to a new or same window
- Click Tracking URL
- Destination URL or Click URL
- How can I convert a Flash ad into HTML5 for iPhone/iPad?
- How can I create a Google AdSense ad?
- How do I change the window title of my pop-up/pop-under ads?
- How do I mix image and text in an ad?
- How do I track click for Flash/SWF ads?
- How do I track clicks for HTML or Rich-Media ads?
- How do I track Flash/SWF ad with multiple clickTAGs?
- Image URL
- Rich-Media Ads
- Text alternative for banner ad images
- Third-Party Pixel URL
- Tutorial - Create a simple SWF with clickTAG tracking
Cannot find an answer for your question? Ask our Customer Care team
- Rich-Media Ads
"Rich-Media ad format provides the most flexible option to create your ad. Rich-Media ads can serve advanced features through HTML, ..."
- Fast Delivery and Ad Media Manager
"Upload media files, banner images, HTML5 ads, and video ads directly onto our ad server instead of hosting them on ..."
- Ad Formats and Ad Dimensions
"Our ad server can serve and deliver all standard and popular ad formats: Standard image banners: GIF, PNG, JPG, and ..."
- How fast does it take to serve one ad?
"Extremely fast! Each ad is served within milliseconds. On average, our ad server selects, serves and tracks an ad impression ..."
- How do I track clicks for HTML or Rich-Media ads?
"To track clicks for Rich-Media/HTML ads, check "Automatically process HTML code to track clicks" below the HTML code box. This ..."