Features Selling Ads to Advertisers

Media Order from Advertisers

Self-serve advertising is a cost effective way to allow advertisers to place ads on your site. A publisher can sell advertising space directly to potential advertisers with our ad server. After setting up the media kit, place an "Advertise with Us" link or button on your website pointing to the media kit. It will show the ad rates, available locations, and basic ad metrics to your potential advertisers. They can create their own account and order advertising directly from this menu.

How it Works

  • A potential advertiser clicks on the link "Advertise with Us" after viewing your media kit
  • A registration form displays to create a new advertiser account
  • A login link displays for existing/returning advertisers
  • The advertiser continues to create a new ad using the ad creation wizard
  • Once the order is placed, an invoice will be generated automatically. If the rates are available for the correct rate type (CPM, CPC, CPA, or Flat) and matching ad dimension, the advertiser can proceed to make a payment. Otherwise, the advertiser must wait for the final/official invoice from the publisher.
  • After the ad is submitted, it will be linked to the selected zone under the Incoming Ads tab and wait for the publisher to approve. The publisher can approve or reject the ad. If the ad is approved, it will be included in the rotation on the website.
  • Advertisers can sign into their own account to check ad reports and can also renew/reorder an existing ad

Ad Creation Wizard

  1. Set up ad details
  2. Apply ad targeting (optional)
  3. Link to a publisher (automatic if ordered via the media kit)
  4. Order how many impressions, clicks, conversions or buy a fixed ad display time (day, week, month, or year). You can create your own coupon for your advertisers.
We have prepared a more detailed guide for an advertiser to place an advertising order together with a video tutorial:

Available Order Types

The advertiser can buy using different models:
  1. A number of clicks. For example: buy 500 clicks
  2. A number of impressions. For example: buy 50000 impressions
  3. A number of conversions. For example: buy 100 leads
  4. A fixed ad display time. For example: buy 2 months of ad display

Notification Messages

Publisher will get email notifications on these events:
  • A new advertiser signs up to advertise with you.
  • A new ad is created and submitted by the advertiser.
  • A media/advertising order is placed to serve ads on your website.
Advertiser will get email notifications on these events:
  • The submitted ad is rejected or approved.

Other Articles in Selling Ads to Advertisers

Features that make selling advertising easy and effective. The first step for self-service advertising is to set up the media kit so that your potential advertisers can view and place an order.

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