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How can I measure ad viewability?

Viewability provides a more accurate measurement of ad visibility. A viewable impression is different from a served impression or a delivered impression. A served impression is recorded when an ad is requested, returned and displayed anywhere on the page. It might be at the bottom of the page and is not yet visible to the viewer. On the other hand, a viewable impression is recorded when the ad is visible to the viewer. The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) defines an ad impression is considered a viewable impression happens when 50% of the ad’s pixels are visible in the browser window for a continuous 1 second. To increase the viewability metric for your ads, you can use on-demand/in-view ad loading method.

Demo 1/2 - Above-the-Fold

This ad below records a served impression after the page finished loading but it will also record a viewable impression when it becomes in-view/visible (50% visibility for 1 second).


To enable viewability tracking, append &viewable=1 to the end of the ad request, like in this example below:
Ad Placeholder:
<div id="ViewableAdPlacement"></div>

Ad Request:
<script type="text/javascript" 

Ad Display:
<script type="text/javascript">

Viewability Report

To view the number of delivered impressions, viewable impressions and viewability ratio, follow the menu "Reports / Events / Daily" and click on tab "Viewability".


  • Ad latency from a slow external JavaScript call will result in the ad not being seen/viewable even when its placement is in view and user can scroll past it
  • Above-the-fold ad placements might not have the most viewable impressions as one might expect because users might already scroll down before the ad is loaded
  • To improve viewability rate, you can work on the zones or ads with the lowest viewable impression versus served impression ratio

Demo 2/2 - Below-the-Fold

This ad below records a served impression after the page finished loading but it will also record a viewable impression when it becomes in-view/visible (50% visibility for 1 second).

Other Articles in Ad Tag

This section describes the ad tag (serving code) with basic and advanced settings. It includes common ad serving setup instructions and answers frequently asked questions when integrating the ad tag into your site, blog or app.

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