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What is the serving code or ad tag?

Ad Tag (serving code, invocation code) is a small piece of HTML code that you copy and paste into your web pages where you want to display advertising.

The ad tag looks like this:

<!-- Ad Tag 8.1 - Standard HTML Code -->
<!-- End -->

There are two types of ad tag. You can get the ad tag for each zone or for each ad:

  • Zone: rotate ads within this zone, or
  • Ad: no rotation, always display this particular ad

Generate the Ad Tag

  • Sign into your account, follow the menu Ads/All or Zones/All
  • Click on an ad or a zone name
  • Click on the Ad Tag tab
  • On this page, you can change ad serving settings and the HTML serving code will be generated so that you can copy and paste it into your website. Please note that ad serving settings do not automatically affect any existing ad tags already on your website.

The advanced settings will help you set up: ad spot number, number of ads, reloading ad automatically after a number of seconds, SSL security, turning off error messages, generating XHTML compliant code and Custom Parameters.


Performance can be different between ad tag formats. JavaScript ad tag will be loaded in sequence within the web page's HTML code while IFrame ad tag will be loaded independently (or in parallel) with the rest of the page. For multiple ad placements, the fastest and best method is loading multiple zones within a single request. Learn more about additional ad tag formats.

You can use one ad tag to serve ads of any dimension and mixing multiple ad dimensions together. Press Ctrl/Command key and select the dimension(s). Text link ads can also be mixed with image ads.

Other Articles in Ad Tag

This section describes the ad tag (serving code) with basic and advanced settings. It includes common ad serving setup instructions and answers frequently asked questions when integrating the ad tag into your site, blog or app.

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