
Five do's and don'ts when advertising to men

Men and women are different in many ways and one of them is the way that they respond to online advertising. It was not long ago that most advertisers used an outdated stereotypical approach to target males that no longer applies to the men of today. This is because as times change, so do men and what they respond to is going to be different today as it was yesterday. Here are five do’s and don’ts when it comes to online advertising for men. By following these tips, you can make your marketing efforts towards men more effective.

Don’t Use Clichés

Some of the stereotypes when it comes to men are out of date and hence do not have the desired effect when used for advertising. For example, fathers today are far more comfortable at changing diapers than in the past. So, any ads created assuming otherwise will not provide the anticipated results. Nowadays, unless you have a clever idea that you are sure will attract men's attention, it is far better to be straightforward and address the product’s features in the advertisement. This is a much more general stereotype that has held true for many years and is sure to get the attention of most males.

Don’t Be Cute

In a nutshell, make things simple and direct if you want to get their attention. While it may be a stereotype that men do not get hints, you certainly do not want to have men confused or unsure of your advertising message. So, it is generally best to make things clear and without pretense in order to capture the man’s attention and sell him on the product or service. Humor is the one exception and is always a good addition when done right, but it should not interfere with the clarity of the advertisement.

Don't Use One Ad For All Men

It is impossible to create one single ad creative that can communicate effectively to all men as there are different age groups, income levels, educational backgrounds and cultures. With that in mind, you can selectively target a group or design multiple ads for each group. Your publishing partners and their ad servers will be able to provide the suitable demographic data and targeting parameters to distribute your ad to the intended audience.

Do Take into Account the Needs of the Man

Men have different needs at different stages of their lives. In other words, what might have interested a man in his twenties no longer has that priority in the forties. So, tailor your advertising so that it is age appropriate. Healthy, positive images of fathers carry weight among most men while macho, more individual endeavors may only appeal to certain age groups.

Do Make Things Easy

If there is one cliché that still applies to men, it is that they are more narrowly focused on purchasing items than women. This means that you will need to focus your campaign on one or two features or benefits to maximize the impact. While men will shop around a website, getting their attention should be more along the lines of highlighting a particular product instead of just showing how many you offer.
Posted in AdServer for Advertiser Ad Strategies July 28, 2015


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