How to monetize your Roku channel

Sign up for video ad networks
Finding advertisers on your own, especially in the early days of your channel, might be tough and time consuming if you do not have any experience in selling ads or have some established relationships with advertisers. Therefore, it might not be a bad idea to go through a third party and sign up with a respected video ad network or exchange. The video ad network or exchange will take a significant percentage of ad revenue as their commissions. Nothing is free here so make sure you understand the revenue sharing arrangement to avoid surprises. There are many different ad networks and exchanges to choose from. Some are good but many are bad and down right scammers running a fly-by-night operation. Therefore, do not just choose one because of its high advertised rates or a fancy website. Look for one with a proven record of paying out their revenue share on time, have high-quality advertisers and offer more controls that allow you to show the type of ads you want. Remember, Roku allows you to have your own video ad server so there is no rule against mixing and matching ads from your own advertisers and ads sourced from third-party video adservers. Actually, it is recommended to serve ads from your own advertisers as a premium group first before serving third-party ads as a secondary group.Product placement
Another good way to run ads that is a little more organic and even more natural is to go with product endorsement, infomercial, or product placement. This is something that has become very common in the social media world, with influencers introducing new products to their followers, many of whom are keen to use the products and services of the people that they follow and trust. You can choose products and services that are high-quality, proven, and that you really believe in. It is a good tactic to offer up a unique link, coupon code, or phone number that helps you and your advertiser track conversions. You need to collect and present all possible ad metrics during ad serving so that advertisers see the value of your channel and renew their ad campaigns into the future.Part 2: Use your own video ad server and find your own advertisers
- How to monetize your Roku channel (part 2)
"The increasing number of video streaming channels now makes it possible to advertise in countless new places and reach new audiences, which is good for both advertisers and publishers. If you are interested in video streaming, then it might make sense to create your own Roku channel as a publisher. " More
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"Back in the day, advertisers were limited to traditional TV, radio, and newspapers to get the word out about their products and services. Things began to change with the arrival of the internet, with businesses able to get their message out inexpensively and quickly, while also being able to hit a targeted audience. " More
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"Back in the day, the number of ways to advertise and get your message out were rather limited. The arrival of the Internet, smart TVs, set-top devices like Roku and video streaming services changed everything about how we consume video content. " More
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