Advertising at a local event

If you operate a business that is limited to serving the local community, there are plenty of great ways to get the word out about the products and services that you offer. One of the most effective ways to spread you message is at local events across the city or state that you operate within. This is the perfect opportunity to get to know the people that may well be your next customers, as well as showing that you want to be an active part of the community. If you plan on advertising at a local event, there are things that you should know beforehand. Let’s take a look at some tips that will help get the most out of your local advertising efforts.
Find a complementary niche
The best results tend to come when you advertise at an event that is tied in closely with the products and services that you offer. For example, if you sell trophies or sporting equipment, you are likely to do well at events like high school football games or local sports tournaments. Similarly, a hair or nail salon is likely to see a lot of interest when they advertise at a beauty pageant. Be creative and look for the events that best suit what it is that you are trying to sell.
Have employees operating a booth
Getting you name, or company logo out there is great, but what happens when a potential customer wants to know more? There is a better than average chance that they will forget your company name once the event is over and they are back home. That is why having a booth where people can come and talk to you or your staff about your company and what you have to offer is such a great idea. Even if you just get their contact info, that becomes a lead generation list so that you will be able to get in touch with them again later on to follow up on your conversation.
Display your company banners
Even with a booth at the event, you should also still have ad banners on display throughout the venue. When making your ad banners, make sure that it is attractive, easy to read and it has your website, phone number and social media profiles where people can reach you for more information. A banner without any of that information is not going to deliver much in the way of engagement.
Have samples available
Handing out flyers at a local event is a great idea, as people will have your information with them even after they leave the event. If you have a booth, also consider handing out free samples, but make sure to ask something from the visitors to your booth in return for the freebie. By that, we mean getting their contact information like email address or phone.
Notify upcoming events
While the goal is to generate leads and sales when you advertise at a local event, it’s also good to update the people on future events, courses, conferences, tournaments that your company is a part of or those events that your company organizes in the future. Maintain a newsletter and ask people to enter their email address to subscribe. You can then later send email with ads served by an email
ad server to re-engage those potential customers.
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